Support Meetings & Connections

Are you looking for support, information and connection?

No one with NF has to walk the NF journey alone!

Consider yourself invited to join our monthly online groups for patients and parents affected by neurofibromatosis.

Connect Group for both Patients and Parents
meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7pm.

Meetings are online and run for approximately 60 minutes.

We hope you will join the community!

Be sure the camera and microphone on the device you're using are turned on and click on the appropriate link at the given time.

Join our private Facebook group for B.C. patients and their families.

We have started a Facebook group for people who are impacted by NF (either personally or a loved one) in BC. It's a place where you can share stories, ask questions, and share information. It's an uplifting, supportive, and positive group. It has had great success since we started it in early October.

People are getting to know one another by introducing themselves and sharing their stories. A couple of people have already made a connection with people who live in the same city. We would love for you to join this group! Head over to Facebook and join BC NF Families.